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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Freitag, 25 August 2017 | Blog: 1 | No: 39184     feed-image

Selbst Geisteswissenschaftler sollen Zugang zu gutbezahlten Programmier-Jobs kriegen!1!!

Mehrere "Coding Boot Camps" machen dieses Jahr wieder zu

Mehrere "Coding Boot Camps" machen dieses Jahr wieder zu. Hintergrund: Diverse US-Unis haben in den letzten Jahren sowas angeboten. Die Idee:
In the last five years, dozens of schools have popped up offering an unusual promise: Even humanities graduates can learn how to code in a few months and join the high-paying digital economy. Students and their hopeful parents shelled out as much as $26,000 seeking to jump-start a career.
Many boot camps have not evolved beyond courses in basic web development, but companies are now often looking for more advanced coding skills.
m( (Danke, Kim)

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