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  Leserreporter: Wer schöne Verschwörungslinks für mich hat: ab an felix-bloginput (at)!
[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Mittwoch, 13 April 2005 | Blog: 4 | No: 107     feed-image

" and "unfortunate." Fuck, yeah!

Thousands of scientists were scrambling Tuesday at the urging of global health authorities to destroy vials of a pandemic flu strain sent to labs in 18 countries as part of routine testing

Thousands of scientists were scrambling Tuesday at the urging of global health authorities to destroy vials of a pandemic flu strain sent to labs in 18 countries as part of routine testing. Es handelt sich um infektiöse Erreger, die 1957 1-4 Millionen Menschen getötet haben, und ist an über 5000 Labore gegangen. It was a decision that Stohr described as "unwise," and "unfortunate." Fuck, yeah!

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