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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Dienstag, 15 Januar 2008 | Blog: 8 | No: 10913     feed-image

Kann man schon gut in Pakistan sehen:

"Pakistani troops escort wheat trucks to stop theft"

Vergeßt Öl. Der nächste Krieg wird um Lebensmittel gehen. Kann man schon gut in Pakistan sehen: "Pakistani troops escort wheat trucks to stop theft".
Pakistani paramilitary troops have begun escorting trucks carrying wheat to stop supplies being stolen amid shortages of flour that have inflamed anger against the government before an election, an official said on Sunday.
Die Lebensmittelpreise sind weltweit am steigen. Und guckt mal, wie das die Börsianer sehen:
Globally, food prices have doubled on average in the past five years, UN data show.
"We can't grow our way out of this grain-shortage hole," said Jim Gerlach, president of A/C Trading Inc. in Fowler, Indiana. "We'll have to price our way out. I'm bullish until further notice. We'll see ups and downs, but the trend will remain higher."
Der Markt wird es regeln, indem die Preise hochgehen. Und das heißt dann eben, dass Menschen verhungern. Der Marktwirtschaft sei Dank.

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