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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Freitag, 15 Februar 2008 | Blog: 10 | No: 11197     feed-image

Die Briten haben die Lösung für die Schulen mit den sozialen Härtefällen:

"Ex-servicemen and women should be retrained as teachers to bring military style discipline to tough inner city schools, a think tank has said."

Die Briten haben die Lösung für die Schulen mit den sozialen Härtefällen: "Ex-servicemen and women should be retrained as teachers to bring military style discipline to tough inner city schools, a think tank has said.".
The government is being urged to adopt a US-style programme returning former soldiers, sailors and airmen to school.
Aha, US-style. Wie überraschend.
The Conservatives are backing the idea, saying children need order and role models for self-discipline.
Am besten gleich wieder körperliche Züchtigung einführen. Mit Tasern. Und Pfefferspray.

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