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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Dienstag, 10 April 2007 | Blog: 12 | No: 8554     feed-image

"Bomb Iceland instead of Iran"

"Bomb Iceland instead of Iran". Sauber durchargumentiert, dem ist kaum was entgegen zu setzen. In Island kommt der Vorschlag wohl nicht so gut an, wie man auch in diesem Followup sehen kann.
"There is nowhere in the world [with] more stupid people than in [the] USA," Icelandic poet Olafur Skorrdal wrote in a message to Reinhardt. "We never know how they will read your sarcasm and take it as something that needs to be done."
Völlig klar, hier besteht Handlungsbedarf, das haben auch die Australier sofort eingesehen.
Icelanders suffer every day at the hands of their cruel, democratically elected President. The government plans to be oil-free by 2050, robbing many honest corporations of vital income and subjecting ordinary Icelanders to water-vapor fumes, capable of making their clothes damp.
(Danke, Agnes)

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