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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Donnerstag, 12 April 2007 | Blog: 7 | No: 8572     feed-image

Der neue National Intelligence Director hat da jetzt mal ein paar Vorschläge vorgelegt

Die Amis haben es ja auch zu schwer mit dem Abhören, daher müssen da jetzt neue Regularien her. Der neue National Intelligence Director hat da jetzt mal ein paar Vorschläge vorgelegt.
  • Give the NSA the power to monitor foreigners without seeking FISA court approval, even if the surveillance is conducted by tapping phones and e-mail accounts in the United States.
  • Triple the life span of a FISA warrant for a non-U.S. citizen from 120 days to one year, allowing the government to monitor much longer without checking back in with a judge.
  • Give telecommunications companies immunity from civil liability for their cooperation with Bush's terrorist surveillance program.
  • Extend from 72 hours to one week the amount of time the government can conduct surveillance without a court order in emergencies.

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