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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Freitag, 22 Juni 2007 | Blog: 10 | No: 9255     feed-image

Bwahahahaha, "you call that a knife?

Die Australier zeigen den Briten mal, wie man mit der Iranischen Marine umgeht:

Die Australier zeigen den Briten mal, wie man mit der Iranischen Marine umgeht:
He said an Iranian Revolutionary Guard gunboat moved close by and its armed personnel made "very overt gestures".
The boarding party commander ordered the Australians to reboard the cargo ship.
"He got his boarding party back on to the ship and established a very credible and appropriate defensive position," Commodore Gilmore told reporters in Canberra.
The BBC reported earlier today that Iranian naval forces tried to capture the boarding team, but were repelled in the face of machine guns and "highly colourful language".
Bwahahahaha, "you call that a knife? THIS is a a knife!"

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