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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Donnerstag, 12 Juli 2007 | Blog: 1 | No: 9439     feed-image

weil die ja eng mit den Kennedys verbunden seien, und "Why would you want to help those people?

Der Surgeon General (Gesundheitsminister) der USA packt aus, wie die Bush-Junta in seiner Arbeit herumgepfuscht hat

Der Surgeon General (Gesundheitsminister) der USA packt aus, wie die Bush-Junta in seiner Arbeit herumgepfuscht hat. Gut, wußte man im Groben, aber die Details sind schon hart:
The administration, Dr. Carmona said, would not allow him to speak or issue reports about stem cells, emergency contraception, sex education, or prison, mental and global health issues. Top officials delayed for years and tried to "water down" a landmark report on secondhand smoke, he said. Released last year, the report concluded that even brief exposure to cigarette smoke could cause immediate harm.
Dr. Carmona said he was ordered to mention President Bush three times on every page of his speeches. He also said he was asked to make speeches to support Republican political candidates and to attend political briefings.
Sie haben ihm auch gesagt, er soll mal die Finger von den Special Olympics lassen, weil die ja eng mit den Kennedys verbunden seien, und "Why would you want to help those people?".
On issue after issue, Dr. Carmona said, the administration made decisions about important public health issues based solely on political considerations, not scientific ones.
"I was told to stay away from those because we've already decided which way we want to go," Dr. Carmona said.
He described attending a meeting of top officials in which the subject of global warming was discussed. The officials concluded that global warming was a liberal cause and dismissed it, he said.
"And I said to myself, 'I realize why I’ve been invited. They want me to discuss the science because they obviously don’t understand the science,’ " he said. "I was never invited back."

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