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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Freitag, 28 September 2007 | Blog: 5 | No: 10174     feed-image

was aus den 12 Milliarden Dollar in Cash geworden ist, die die Amis an die CPA im Irak abgeworfen haben

Ein paar Reporter von Vanity Fair (!) haben mal geguckt, was aus den 12 Milliarden Dollar in Cash geworden ist, die die Amis an die CPA im Irak abgeworfen haben. Sehr lustige Geschichte.
Once the money arrived in Iraq it entered a free-for-all environment where virtually anyone with fingers could take some of it. Moreover, the company that was hired to keep tabs on the outflow of money existed mainly on paper. Based in a private home in San Diego, it was a shell corporation with no certified public accountants. Its address of record is a post-office box in the Bahamas, where it is legally incorporated. That post-office box has been associated with shadowy offshore activities.
Jeder wusste, dass das Geld weg ist, wenn die CPA die Arbeit einstellt, und das kann ja jederzeit losgehen, also haben sich alle bedient, so viel sie konnten.
An Iraqi hospital administrator told The Guardian of England that, when he arrived to sign a contract, the army officer representing the C.P.A. had crossed out the original price and doubled it. "The American officer explained that the increase (more than $1 million) was his retirement package."

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