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  Leserreporter: Wer schöne Verschwörungslinks für mich hat: ab an felix-bloginput (at)!
[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Samstag, 01 November 2008 | Blog: 6 | No: 13437     feed-image

Na WAS für eine Überraschung!

Wann immer die USA irgendwo einen illegalen geheimen "Regimewechsel" lostreten, profitieren Insider davon

Captain Obvious: Wann immer die USA irgendwo einen illegalen geheimen "Regimewechsel" lostreten, profitieren Insider davon.
But it appears the company wasn't the only beneficiary of this Cold War cloak-and-dagger diplomacy: A recent study by economists Arindrajit Dube, Ethan Kaplan, and Suresh Naidu argues that those in on the planning process also profited handsomely. By tracking the stock prices of UFC and other politically vulnerable firms in the months leading up to CIA-staged coups in Guatemala, Chile, Cuba, and Iran, the researchers provide evidence that someone—perhaps one of the Dulleses, Cabots, or others in the know—was trading stocks based on classified information of these coups-in-the-making.
Na WAS für eine Überraschung! Ist auch nur eine andere Form der Besteuerung. Natürlich ist es illegal, wenn die Bevölkerung Insidergeschäfte an den Börsen macht, aber die Regierung, das ist was gaaaaanz anderes.
Aber nicht nur, dass da jemand profitiert: die schätzen auch ihre Erfolgschancen akkurat ein:
The CIA-led invasion of Cuba is referred to these days as the Bay of Pigs fiasco for a reason, and whoever was trading on insider knowledge seemed to place his bets accordingly — the pre-invasion increase in American Sugar's stock price was much lower than the gains for companies affected by the other, successful coups in the study.

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