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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Mittwoch, 14 Mai 2008 | Blog: 12 | No: 11854     feed-image


Die Briten veröffentlichen ihre UFO-Dokumente

Die Briten veröffentlichen ihre UFO-Dokumente. Der Lacher:
The MoD has decided to release the files because of the deluge of requests it has received from UFO buffs and conspiracy theorists under the Freedom of Information Act. "They are sinking in a sea of FOI requests on UFOs," said Pope. "The administrative burden in dealing with them on a case by case basis is horrendous."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wunderbar! So muss das laufen mit dem Informationsfreiheitsgesetz. Schade nur, dass sie da bei uns so rumzicken.

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