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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Samstag, 28 Juni 2008 | Blog: 3 | No: 12250     feed-image


In Louisiana gibt es jetzt ein Anti-Evolutions-Gesetz

In Louisiana gibt es jetzt ein Anti-Evolutions-Gesetz.
The text of the LSEA suggests that it's intended to foster critical thinking, calling on the state Board of Education to "assist teachers, principals, and other school administrators to create and foster an environment within public elementary and secondary schools that promotes critical thinking skills, logical analysis, and open and objective discussion of scientific theories." Unfortunately, it's remarkably selective in its suggestion of topics that need critical thinking, as it cites scientific subjects "including, but not limited to, evolution, the origins of life, global warming, and human cloning."
Comin' up next on The Violence Channel: An all-new "Ow, My Balls!"
[Übrigens, was ich persönlich ja immens furchteinflößend finde: wie viele Hits es bei Youtube für "ouch my balls" und "ow my balls"gibt. WTF?!?]

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