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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Mittwoch, 24 September 2008 | Blog: 7 | No: 13055     feed-image

And if it happens?

Der Economist macht sich Sorgen, dass es bei der US-Präsidentenwahl zu einem Unentschieden kommen könnte

Der Economist macht sich Sorgen, dass es bei der US-Präsidentenwahl zu einem Unentschieden kommen könnte.
And if it happens? Hold on to your three-cornered hats; we’re looking at a major constitutional crisis. The election gets thrown to Congress. But which Congress? The outgoing one or the incoming one? The constitution seems to suggest the outgoing; other statute the incoming. If the former gets to choose, each state’s delegation in the House would get a single vote. With Democrats a majority in 27 House delegations, Barack Obama would presumably become president, unless, of course, some Democrats decide they must vote according to their states’ presidential vote. The Senate, meanwhile, chooses the vice president. If Joe Lieberman votes for Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney would cast a tie-breaking vote for her, making her Mr Obama’s vice president. That is, if the House doesn’t deadlock past inauguration day, leaving Mrs Palin as acting president. More possibilities abound: If they both deadlock, say hello to Acting-President Pelosi.
OMG OMG OMG! Obama-Palin! Pelosi-Palin! Bwahaha!

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