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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Samstag, 15 Juli 2017 | Blog: 1 | No: 38898     feed-image

“Who cares about fixed-income trading in the last two weeks of June?

Kurze Durchsage vom Chef von JPMorgan

Kurze Durchsage vom Chef von JPMorgan (nach der Telefonkonferenz über die Quartalszahlen, als die Journalisten ihn nach irgendwelchen Markt-Details fragen):
Who cares about fixed-income trading in the last two weeks of June? I mean, seriously, Dimon said after a reporter asked about the health of the bonds markets.
That is the weather, he said of changes in the markets. It goes up and down, this and that, and that’s 80% of what you guys focus on.
Dimon said financial journalists would be better off concentrating on the bad policies that are hurting average Americans.
It’s almost an embarrassment being an American traveling around the world and listening to the stupid shit Americans have to deal with, he said. At one point, we would have to get our act together, do what we’re supposed to do to the average American.
Er findet, die USA sollten mal in Infrastruktur investieren, die Unternehmens-Steuern reformieren (leider sagt er nicht, was er sich da konkret vorstellt), und identifiziert das Bildungssystem als Problem.
The USA has to start to focus on policy which is good for all Americans, and that is regulation, tax, education, we have to get those things done. You guys [journalists] should be writing a lot more about that stuff. That is holding it back and hurting the average American citizen if we don’t do it.
It’s not a Republican issue, it’s not a Democratic issue. Why you guys don’t write about it every day is totally beyond me.
I just got back from Israel, Ireland and France – three countries that deeply recognise the importance of having a business tax scheme for jobs and wage growth. We don’t have that.
Das werte ich als Indiz dafür, dass er das Besteuern von Unternehmensgewinnen nicht grundsätzlich für schlecht hält.

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