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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Montag, 24 Juli 2017 | Blog: 3 | No: 38968     feed-image

Und wer war das jetzt?

Unsere Outsourcing-Partner sind doch NCR und IBM!

Ach komm, wir laden mal alle unsere Daten in die Cloud hoch. Was kann da schon passieren! Unsere Outsourcing-Partner sind doch NCR und IBM!
The leak, which occurred in 2015, saw the names, photos and home addresses of millions exposed. Those affected include fighter pilots of Swedish air force, police suspects, people under the witness relocation programme, members of the military's most secretive units (equivalent to the SAS or SEAL teams) and more.
Und wer war das jetzt? Der Geheimdienst? Deren Kanzleramt-Äquivalent? Nein! Das Kraftfahrzeugbundesamt.
The leak occurred after the Swedish Transportation Agency (STA) decided to outsource its database management and other IT services to firms such as IBM and NCR. However, the STA uploaded its entire database onto cloud servers, which included details on every single vehicle in the country. The database was then emailed to marketers in clear text message. When the error was discovered, the STA merely sent another email asking the marketing subscribers to delete the previous list themselves.
Ich muss gerade an die Geschichte denken, als ein Journalist Helmut Kohl fragte, was er in Sachen Datenautobahn zu tun gedenke, und er antwortete, Autobahnen seien Ländersache. Insofern schon irgendwie passend, dass die zuständige Behörde die Daten ins Internet hochlädt. Und überhaupt, das nenne ich mal transparente Behördenarbeit!

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