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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Sonntag, 11 Februar 2018 | Blog: 1 | No: 40209     feed-image

Schlagzeile des Tages

Schlagzeile des Tages:

Schlagzeile des Tages:
Female California lawmaker behind #MeToo push is accused of groping male staffer
Na sowas! Hat das am Ende gar nichts mit dem Geschlecht zu tun und viel mehr mit Machtpositionen?
The staffer, Daniel Fierro, told The Washington Post on Thursday that Democratic Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, who has become a prominent figure in the #MeToo movement, approached him alone after an assembly softball game in 2014, squeezed his buttocks and tried to touch his crotch. He said Garcia was visibly intoxicated.
Naja, aber, äh, dann meldet man das halt bei den zuständigen Stellen!1!!
Fierro, who was 25 at the time, did not report the incident because he worried about the long-term consequences that could come with accusing the powerful lawmaker, who chairs the Legislative Women’s Caucus and the Natural Resources Committee.
Oh, den Women's Caucus, ja?
Was meint ihr, wie viele der zuständigen Stellen ausschließlich mit Frauen besetzt sind?

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