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  Leserreporter: Wer schöne Verschwörungslinks für mich hat: ab an felix-bloginput (at)!
[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Freitag, 18 Januar 2019 | Blog: 6 | No: 42292     feed-image

Da will man doch alle seine Daten hin hochladen!!1!

Facebooks Charmeoffensive geht in die "Kinder abzocken"-Phase über

Facebooks Charmeoffensive geht in die "Kinder abzocken"-Phase über.
The child believed these purchases were being made with virtual currency, and that his mother’s credit card was not being charged for these purchases, according to a previous ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Beth Freeman.
When the bill came, his mom requested Facebook refund the money, saying she never authorized any charges beyond the original $20. But the company never refunded any money, forcing the family to file a lawsuit in pursuit of a refund.
Mit so einer Firma will man doch einen Account unterhalten!1!! Da will man doch alle seine Daten hin hochladen!!1!

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