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  Leserreporter: Wer schöne Verschwörungslinks für mich hat: ab an felix-bloginput (at)!
[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Freitag, 01 Februar 2019 | Blog: 2 | No: 42387     feed-image

Wait, what?

Wieder was gelernt:

Wieder was gelernt:
Eine monatliche Pillenpause samt damit verbundener Blutung wird nicht mehr als notwendig erachtet. Diese bis heute weit verbreitete Pillenpause geht laut einem Professor für Reproduktionsmedizin auf den Versuch zurück, den Papst vor rund 60 Jahren durch Nachahmung eines natürlichen Menstrualzyklus für die Pille zu begeistern.
Wait, what?!
Frauen, so heißt es in einer Pressemitteilung der FSRH, könnten ohne Sicherheitsbedenken weniger oder gar keine Pillenpausen einlegen, um so Blutungen, Krämpfe und andere Symptome zu vermeiden.

Update: Im Guardian gibt es eine andere Erklärung.

A gynaecologist with a hunch suspected that patients with unexplained infertility might fall pregnant more easily once the body had experienced pregnancy. Therefore patients with infertility were given a combination of hormones for a few months. After they stopped taking the hormones a number later became pregnant.

However, there was a problem – the early forms of the pill had significantly higher doses than today’s versions. This meant that women in this trial had early pregnancy symptoms, including morning sickness. This gave many distressing false hope. First they believed they were pregnant when taking hormones, and then discovered they weren’t when they stopped. So it was suggested that allowing the women on these early pills to take a monthly break could assure them they were not pregnant. Thus, the seven-day break was born

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