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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Samstag, 23 Februar 2019 | Blog: 4 | No: 42582     feed-image

several of them spoke out, “Who cares?

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Im Januar gab es in den USA diesen einen Aufschrei-Moment, wo es um ein paar Schüler mit roten MAGA-Mützen ging, die einen älteren Native American belästigt (?) haben. Ich hab mir das weiträumig gespart. Aber heute stieß ich beim Rumklicken auf diesen Artikel hier. Guckt mal:
Journalist Tim Pool tweeted a longer video of the incident on Saturday night, and I scrolled to a random point about halfway through. At that point in the video, the Native group was nowhere in sight. Instead, I saw two groups of people, the kids from Covington Catholic High School, almost all of whom were white, and about four black men who seemed to be street preachers set up near the Lincoln Memorial. They, it turns out, are members of the Black Hebrew Israelites, a religious sect the Southern Poverty Law Center considers a hate group.
The men, who looked to be in their 30s or 40s, maybe younger, were taunting the kids from Covington High. Perhaps thinking he had a message that would really resonate with kids in MAGA hats, the man who seems to be leading the group tells the kids to look up some videos on YouTube of Donald Trump kissing Rudy Giuliani. Your president is a homosexual, he yells out, probably, like me, expecting the kids to object.
And that is when I started to get confused because the reaction from the boys wasn’t disgust or even protest. Instead, several of them spoke out, Who cares? Yeah, who cares?
Your president is a homosexual, the street preacher yells back. You give faggots rights, and then, the crowd of MAGA hat-wearing boys actually starts booing. The Bible condemns homosexuality, the street preacher yells, and one of the boys calls out, They’re still human!
Wait … what?!

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