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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Donnerstag, 03 November 2005 | Blog: 7 | No: 2816     feed-image

"What are the alternatives?

endlich nachts im Tiefflug über dem Gaza-Streifen die Schallmauer durchbrechen

Jetzt wo die Siedler da weg sind, können die Israelis endlich nachts im Tiefflug über dem Gaza-Streifen die Schallmauer durchbrechen. Israel is deploying a terrifying new tactic against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip by letting loose deafening "sound bombs" that cause widespread fear, induce miscarriages and traumatise children. Und zwar nicht ein oder zwei im Monat, sondern letzte Woche alleine 28.
A senior Israeli army intelligence source, who the military would not permit to be named, said the tactic is intended to break civilian support for armed Palestinian groups. "We are trying to send a message in a way that doesn't harm people. We want to encourage the Palestinian public to do something about the terror situation," he said. "What are the alternatives? We are not like the terrorists who shoot civilians. We are cautious. We make sure nobody is really hurt."

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