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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Samstag, 06 Mai 2006 | Blog: 3 | No: 5021     feed-image

Wie designed man Warnschilder, die in 10000 Jahren noch verstanden werden?

Wie designed man Warnschilder, die in 10000 Jahren noch verstanden werden? Diese Frage stellen sich die Zuständigen für Atommüllendlager, und wenn man mal drüber nachdenkt, ist das eine durchaus interessante Frage. Und selbst wenn man das schafft, wie sorgt man dafür, daß sie auch ernst genommen werden?
Trying to communicate across 500 generations posed an unprecedented challenge of linguistics, semiotics and materials science, so the government first asked scientists, futurists and historians to envision what the far-distant future might be like.
Their report combines dry analysis and projections worthy of sci-fi disaster films, including massive climate change and feminist corporations that disbelieve WIPP warnings because they were written by men. Civilization is so interdependent and fragile, one panelist grimly noted, "that any massive global catastrophe might lead to reversion to at least a preindustrial era." Greed or desperation could give rise to legends that WIPP holds buried treasure ? apparently confirmed by surface warnings to keep out.

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