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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Dienstag, 09 September 2014 | Blog: 6 | No: 30149     feed-image

In Großbritannien gab es einen Fall von "Tod durch Hartz IV"

In Großbritannien gab es einen Fall von "Tod durch Hartz IV", der jetzt erfreulicherweise ein bisschen Aufsehen erregt. Ich fürchte, wir haben uns an sowas in Deutschland schon gewöhnt. Wobei das schon ein echt ziemlich krasser Fall war.
Clapson’s benefits had been stopped as a result of missing one meeting at the jobcentre. He was diabetic, and without the £71.70 a week from his jobseeker’s allowance he couldn’t afford to eat or put credit on his electricity card to keep the fridge where he kept his insulin working. Three weeks later Clapson died from diabetic ketoacidosis, caused by a severe lack of insulin. A pile of CVs was found next to his body.
Furchtbar. (Danke, Martin)

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