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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Samstag, 18 Oktober 2014 | Blog: 8 | No: 30476     feed-image

Kurze Durchsage des Syrischen Botschafters in Indien:

ISIS ist ein "Amerikanischer Mythos"

Kurze Durchsage des Syrischen Botschafters in Indien: ISIS ist ein "Amerikanischer Mythos", eine Erfindung.
ISIS is an American myth, which gets direct support from Tayyip Erdogan’s [the president] Turkey and is funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, according to Ambassador Riad Kamel Abbas. Al Qaeda appeared in Syria after the US invaded Iraq. Before that there was no al Qaeda in Syria. It is clear that al Qaeda was created by the US and it is supporting ISIS.

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