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  Leserreporter: Wer schöne Verschwörungslinks für mich hat: ab an felix-bloginput (at)!
[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Mittwoch, 06 April 2016 | Blog: 6 | No: 35283     feed-image

Money Quote:

Ein Wahlmanipulator packt aus

Ein Wahlmanipulator packt aus. Money Quote:
The software let him quickly change names, profile pictures, and biographies to fit any need. Eventually, he discovered, he could manipulate the public debate as easily as moving pieces on a chessboard—or, as he puts it, When I realized that people believe what the Internet says more than reality, I discovered that I had the power to make people believe almost anything.
(Danke, Jens)

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