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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Samstag, 27 Februar 2016 | Blog: 9 | No: 34983     feed-image

Habt ihr den schon mal gehört?

"The women who claimed to be assaulted were actually the ones doing the assaulting, police said Thursday."

Habt ihr den schon mal gehört? "The women who claimed to be assaulted were actually the ones doing the assaulting, police said Thursday."
Hey, das klappt bei der Polizei seit Jahren prima, wieso sollte das nicht auch bei Opfer-Olympioniken klappen!
Pro-Tipp: Die Polizei sorgt dafür, dass bei ihren Vorwürfen keine Videos vorliegen, die das Gegenteil beweisen. Das muss man dann als Opfer-Olympionike auch machen. Sonst passiert sowas hier:
Authorities interviewed 35 passengers on the bus, reviewed videotape from 12 bus security camera videos, reviewed four videos taken by passengers on cell phones, reviewed university surveillance footage, examined UAlbany building access records and reviewed audio recordings.
All evidence showed that no hate crime occurred, no male struck any of the three women and the women actually continued to assault the 19-year-old Congers woman despite many passengers on the bus attempting to stop them, police say.

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