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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Freitag, 11 März 2016 | Blog: 14 | No: 35108     feed-image

"Ihr habt doch sicher schon eine Backdoor für die Chinesen drin!1!!

Das FBI eröffnet mit einer kaputten Metapher:

Das Wortgefecht zwischen Apple und dem FBI wird langsam richtig popcornträchtig! Das FBI eröffnet mit einer kaputten Metapher:
"Apple’s rhetoric is not only false, but also corrosive of the very institutions that are best able to safeguard our liberty and our rights." The government also pushed back against Apple's concerns over the "backdoor" to iPhone making its way to the wrong hands. "Far from being a master key, the software simply disarms a booby trap affixed to one door."
Apple schießt eine Salve Mimimi zurück:
He accused the government of trying to "vilify Apple" on unsubstantiated theories.
und legt einen Schmetterball Patriotismus nach:
"Everyone should beware, because it seems like disagreeing with the Department of Justice means you must be evil and anti-American," he said in an on-the-record statement. "Nothing could be further from the truth."
Darauf wirft das FBI mit einem Eimer Klärschlamm:
the Justice Dept. said in its filing that Apple "made special accommodations in China."
Jawohl! "Ihr habt doch sicher schon eine Backdoor für die Chinesen drin!1!!"
Apple reagiert seinerseits mit einer schönen Metapher:
Attorneys for Apple — who were also on the call — quickly rebuffed the allegation, saying that some of the Justice Dept.'s arguments are like "throwing pasta on a wall and hoping something sticks."

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