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[zurück][ältere Posting][neuere Posting]  Montag, 21 März 2016 | Blog: 1 | No: 35154     feed-image

ist das das neue SCO-vs-Linux?

Forscher haben Schwächen in der Apple-Krypto gefunden

Der neueste Lacher aus der Apple-vs-FBI-Geschichte (ist das das neue SCO-vs-Linux?): Forscher haben Schwächen in der Apple-Krypto gefunden.
This specific flaw in Apple’s iMessage platform likely would not have helped the FBI pull data from an iPhone recovered in December’s San Bernardino, Calif., terrorist attack, but it shatters the notion that strong commercial encryption has left no opening for law enforcement and hackers, said Matthew D. Green, a computer science professor at Johns Hopkins University who led the research team.

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